Cheese and Onion Pie

Cheese and Onion Pie

Cheese & Onion Pie

From The Selkirk Arms Hotel - Kirkcudbright

Recipe for 20 small pies – ideal to freeze


1 kg plain flour

500g butter

Water to bind


Filling + - 20 portion

60g butter

40g flour

350g milk

1 onion finely chopped

2 Tbls chopped parsley 

100g fleet valley blue grated

100g cheddar grated

100g rindless goats cheese grated

¼ tsp Eng mustard powder

¼ tsp cayanne

Salt & pepper

Red onion marmalade as needed 


Make the pastry and rest for 30 mins

Caramelise the onions in a little oil and leave to cool

Make a Bechamel sauce with butter, flour, milk, mustard powder and cayenne

Add the grated cheeses and chopped parsley parsley and mix well, season to taste

Cut out 9.5cm rings to line pie moulds and cut out lids slightly smaller than the rings

Take a metal ring , grease and line with rolled out pastry bases , add a teaspoon of red onion marmalade to the bottom of each and then fill ( use a piping bag ) with the filling before putting a pasty lid on them. egg wash both the lid and the base before applying the pie lid and make a small hole in the lid with a pairing knife to allow the steam to come out

Bake at 120c for 20 minutes, remove the pie moulds and egg wash the pies sides and top again and bake for a further 5 minutes